How have you been feeling lately?
While we’re all feeling the effects of the past two years of the global health crisis, have you considered what you can do to improve your own health and lifestyle?
One of the best outcomes of living an Oola life is getting back to the basics: adequate sleep, nutritious whole foods, time for exercise—plus setting aside time to handle longstanding conditions that cause pain, embarrassment or anxiety.
Simply starting the journey toward being fit and healthy will boost your energy, immunity and brain function. And a daily walk around the neighborhood delivers noticeable results. If you didn't start this journey when the world came to a screeching halt, no worries. It's never too late to begin. Charles Dederich reminds us that "today is the first day of the rest of your life". Truly, it's all we have as tomorrow is never guaranteed.
Recently, I introduced the idea of “1% Improvement.” Well, what’s a 1% step you could take toward better health and fitness today? Could you . . .
• Plan a healthy dinner, then take a 45-minute walk?
• Cut out the sugar from your diet starting today?
• Research The Elimination Diet to identify food sensitivity?
• Book a checkup for that annoying health condition?
• Clear a spot in your home and break out the yoga mat and gear?
For me, it began with cutting out processed sugars, then adding daily walks with a splash of gym workouts, and now I'm able to macro count and carb cycle without being overwhelmed. One percent improvement is slow. But, consistency begets beautiful transformations along the way. And for those days when I just don't want, having a coach for accountability has been invaluable.
Should you feel inspired, please share in the comments below your 1% improvement steps. I'd love to cheer you on!
Love and blessings always
Erin Kathrine
Erin Kathrine